A non-fungible token, or NFT, is a type of digital token that makes digital items incredibly rare, scarce, and valuable. The ownership of a specific item or file, such as artwork, can represent it. Selling an NFT artwork is complex and requires both the creator’s skill and determination. This article will provide an overview of how to sell artwork as an NFT.

Digital Wallet

When selling NFT art, you’ll need a digital wallet, an online platform that stores your Ethereum. There are various types of wallets that you can choose from, and you’ll need to choose one that’s right for you. Then you will need to link your digital wallet to an Ethereum address, allowing you to receive payments for the NFT art you’re selling.


After creating a digital wallet, you’ll need to find a marketplace to sell your NFT art. Many different platforms have varying drawbacks and benefits. Before you choose a platform to sell your NFT art, it’s essential to consider the various factors that affect its popularity and fees. Aside from these, other factors, such as the visibility of your work, will also be taken into account to see if it’s the right platform for you.


Contrary to popular belief, NFTs are not always worth what people pay. The way buyers value them can be influenced by certain factors. These factors include The 30-day average price, rarity, utility, and relationship between the creators.

Develop and List

Once you have created your NFT artwork, the next step is to sell it. Before you can start working on selling your work, it’s vital that you consider the various factors that affect its visual appeal and size. You’ll also need to ensure that your work is compatible with the platform where you’re planning on selling it.

You’ll then need to upload your artwork to a marketplace where you can sell it. You’ll be asked to provide details about the piece, such as its price, title, and description. You’ll also need to decide if you want to sell it as a collection or a single piece.

After you’ve listed your NFT on a particular platform, you’ll want to make sure that potential buyers are aware of the offers that you’re receiving. This will allow you to track the bids you’re accepting.