by Richard Liebowitz | Sep 18, 2023 | Photography, Richard Liebowitz
Photography has evolved dramatically since its inception in the 19th century. While the art form initially aimed to capture the world as realistically as possible, it has since grown to encompass a wide range of styles and techniques. Experimental and abstract...
by Richard Liebowitz | Aug 28, 2023 | Photography, Richard Liebowitz
Black and white photography has a timeless and captivating appeal that continues to resonate with audiences. By stripping away color, it highlights the essence of the subject, emphasizing form, texture, and contrast. Creating compelling black-and-white images requires...
by Richard Liebowitz | Jul 25, 2023 | Art, Photography, Richard Liebowitz
In the realm of photography, fine art stands apart as a genre that not only captures moments but also transforms them into visual masterpieces. Fine art photography goes beyond mere documentation; it is a form of artistic expression that allows photographers to convey...
by Richard Liebowitz | Jun 21, 2023 | Photography, Richard Liebowitz
Photography is a powerful medium that allows people to capture and tell stories in a unique and visually compelling way. Beyond merely documenting moments, photography has the ability to evoke emotions, convey narratives, and transport viewers into different worlds....
by Richard Liebowitz | May 15, 2023 | Photography, Richard Liebowitz
Freelance photography is a great way to turn your passion for photography into a profitable business. However, success as a freelance photographer takes more than just taking great photos. Here are the key factors that make freelance photography a successful business....